

End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") Our EULA was last updated on 01/01/2023 Please read this End-User License Agreement carefully before clicking the "I Agree" button, downloading or using  GomuGomu . Interpretation and Definitions Interpretation The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural. Definitions For the purposes of this End-User License Agreement: "Agreement"  means this End-User License Agreement that forms the entire agreement between You and the Company regarding the use of the Application. This EULA was generated by TMD Komyun. "Application"  means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You through an Application Store's account to a Device, named  GomuGomu "Application Store"  means the digital distribution service operated


GomuGomu - esta de acuerdo con 17 US Code § 512 y la Digital Millennium Copyright Act, de responder a cualquier notificación de infracción y tomar las acciones apropiadas bajo la Digital Millennium Copyright Act, así como de otras leyes de propiedad intelectual aplicables. Los enlaces dentro de la App, han sido encontrados en paginas externas como:,, etc. Por lo que en ningún caso se podrá responsabilizar directamente o indirectamente al propietario y colaboradores por el ilícito uso de la información contenida en la App. Tampoco se nos podrá responsabilizar del incorrecto uso que se haga de la información, servicios incluidos y el material al que puede acceder desde nuestros enlaces. Si en tu país esta prohibido este tipo de apps tu eres el único responsable de la entrada a nuestra app. El contenido dentro de las app ha sido sacado de paginas web publicas en internet, por lo que el contenido es considerado de libre distribución. Ningún articulo de la ley menc


   Privacy Policy At  GomuGomu , we collect and manage user data according to the following Privacy Policy. Data Collected We collect information you provide directly to us. For example, we collect information when you create an account, subscribe, participate in any interactive features of our services, fill out a form, request customer support or otherwise communicate with us. The types of information we may collect include your name, email address, postal address, credit card information and other contact or identifying information you choose to provide. We collect anonymous data from every visitor of the Website to monitor traffic and fix bugs. For example, we collect information like web requests, the data sent in response to such requests, the Internet Protocol address, the browser type, the browser language, and a timestamp for the request. We also use various technologies to collect information, and this may include sending cookies to your computer. Cookies are small data files